Women's Basketball: NCAA Semifinals vs. Tennessee, March 31, 1989
- Date
- Summary
Video footage of the women's basketball game between Maryland and Tennessee at NCAA Semifinals, March 31, 1989
- Publisher
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
- Subjects
Sports, Recreation; University of Maryland
- Locations
North America; United States
- Collection
University of Maryland Athletics
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
Access is restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
01:54:25 hh:mm:ss; U-Matic
- Notes
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics records
Accession 2004-89, Box 18
A guide to the full collection of Department of Intercollegiate Athletics records is available in our archival collections: http://hdl.handle.net/1903.1/1652.
Access condition: campus-only.
- Other Identifiers
Fedora 2 PID: umd:715016; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/40067; Filename: univarch-057258
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.