Liz Lerman solo program, Allegheny Summer Dance Festival
- Date
- Main contributors
Lerman, Liz; Nirenska, Pola
- Summary
Lerman in a program of solos at Allegheny Summer Dance Festival, Allegheny College. 00:00:06: - "Journey," solo set to a text by Austrian playwright Peter Handke in which Lerman first ventured her "equivalents" choreographic structure, which assigns one movement to each word in a spoken text; 00:08:09 - Lerman talks about Pola Nirenska; 00:10:49 - "Snow in Siberia" choreographed by Pola Nirenska and incorporated into Lerman's "Russia," uses a text by Edwin Denby, voiced on audio by Jon Spelman; 00:15:49 - "Docudance: Nine Short Dances About the Defense Budget and Other Military Matters" (excerpts), beginning with audio-only song "What can a billion dollars buy?" 00:18:20 - Map, "missiles pointed at every square inch"; 00:22:00 - M1 Abrams tank; 00:27:00 - "The next dance has a quiz"; 00:31:25 - Feeling: solo to fanfares; 00:34:40 - "It won't happen..." with ball of string. 00:37:58 - Dance about the arms race.
- Contributors
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange; Lerman, Liz; Spelman, Jon, 1942-; Zuckerman, Don
- Genre
Filmed performances
- Subject
Dance--United States.
- Location
Meadville, Pennsylvania
- Collection
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange videos
- Unit
Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Language
- Terms of Use
- Physical Description
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: LLDX 8-14; Catalog Key: scpa-081569
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.