Bertolt Brecht he made suggestions
- Date
- Summary
Biography of the renowned poet Bertolt Brecht.; Narration in English.
- Publishers
Vereinigung Evangelischer Buchhändler (Germany); DEFA; Films for the Humanities (Firm)
- Subjects
European Culture; German Culture; Literature, Print Culture; Literature, Print Culture; Authors, German 20th century Biography
- Locations
North America; United States; New Jersey
- Collection
- Unit
Distinctive Media Collections
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
Access is restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
52 minutes; black and white
- Notes
Access condition: campus-only.
Creation/Production Credits
Photographers, Gerhard Niendorf, Hubert Metzger, Renate Andrich ; editors, Monika Schaf̈er, Hanna Kubin ; narrators, Ekkehard Schall, Jaccki Schwarz ; music, Kurt Weill, Hanns Eisler, Paul Dessau.
- Other Identifiers
Filename: lms-090016; Fedora 2 PID: umd:1482; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/874; OCLC: ocm25612307; Catalog Key: alephsys001958200
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.