In Focus: New Kids on the Block, undated

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Birchard B. Allen III hosts a program on the new ethnic communities of Baltimore, specifically communities of Korean, Vietnamese, and Hispanic immigrants. The program profiles a Korean grocery store owner who has found success in America, while also discussing conflicts that have occurred between the Korean and black communities of Baltimore. Regional Director of the NAACP, Dr. Emmett C. Burn, explains that friction between the two groups has been caused by perceived cultural barriers or inequality of opportunity, some of which may be based in rumor. Allen also profiles a Vietnamese refugee and addresses the challenges the community faces related to language and employment. Other people are concerned that refugees will become dependent on public assistance or take jobs from other people. Allen profiles a Colombian immigrant running a successful travel agency in Washington, D.C., and explains how there has been a shift from immigration among South American and Central American populations. A resident of Montgomery County expresses concern for her son growing up in a less ‚"homogeneous‚"neighborhood.
Allen, Birchard B., III
Maryland Public Television
Broadcasting, Communications
North America; United States of America
Public Broadcasting
Special Collections and University Archives
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00:29:39 hh:mm:ss; U-Matic
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Fedora 2 PID: umd:729598; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/42675; Filename: bcast-071767

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