Voice cuts: Dag Hammarskjöld; president Sukarno
- Date
- Summary
(1) Excerpt of President John F. Kennedy's greeting to Presidents Ahmed Sukarno of Indonesia and Modibo Keïta of Mali, who will deliver an appeal from 25 non-aligned nations for an East-West summit meeting (9/12). (2) Jay W. Gildner, assistant press secretary, reads a White House communique to the press after the Sukarno-Keïta-Kennedy meeting (9/13). (3) Gen. Lucius D. Clay, commander of the American troops during the 1948 Berlin airlift, speaks to the press before going to Berlin at the request of President Kennedy (9/14). (4) Rep. Paul Kitchen (D-NC) plans investigation of U.S. exports to Communist bloc nations (9/14). (5) Louis Seaton, vice president of General Motors and Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers union remark on the settlement of the week-long strike at GM plants (9/20). (6) Danish Foreign Minister Jens Otto Krag expresses "the deepest sorrow" to the United Nations at the death of United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld (9/20). (7) U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson's eulogy for Hammarskjöld (9/20). (8) Gibson Parker of the British Broadcasting Corporation describes Hammarskjöld funeral (9/30). (9) Rep. Walter Judd (R-MN) on the death of Hammarskjöld (9/18). (10) Hernane Tevares de Sa, Brazilian undersecretary in charge of public information, makes the formal announcement to the United Nations General Assembly of Hammarskjöld's death (9/18). (11) Secretary of State Dean Rusk on Hammarskjöld's death (9/18). (12) President Kennedy on Hammarskjöld's death (9/18). (13) Frederick H. Boland of Ireland, retiring president of the United Nations General Assembly, opens the 16th session and quickly adjourns after standing in respect for Hammarskjöld (9/19).
- Publisher
Westinghouse Broadcasting Company. Group W
- Genre
Special events radio coverage
- Collection
Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Physical Description
sound tape reel
- Notes
A guide to the full collection of Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes is available in our archival collections: https://hdl.handle.net/1903.1/43884
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: bcast-077150; Other: 0492-MMC
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.