Keep Clean, Stay Well
- Date
- Summary
Shows a black family whose husband/father works as a migrant laborer from Florida to New York. The narrator describes how they wash their hands before eating and wash their bodies and clothes regularly using clean water, and that they make sure to drink and use only clean water in preparing meals. This helps ensure that they remain healthy. This film has been digitized because it has a high level of Vinegar Syndrome (chemical deterioration). That condition will prevent any captured images from being 100% perfect. Our goal is to present the content of the film in a digital format that is as good and the least distracting as possible.
- Publisher
Public Health Service Audiovisual Facility
- Collection
- Unit
Distinctive Media Collections
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
Access is restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
00:08:34 hh:mm:ss; 16mm
- Notes
Films @ UM
Access condition: campus-only.
- Other Identifiers
Filename: lms-056957; Fedora 2 PID: umd:708727; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/39105; Catalog Key: 31430035762303
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.