The Muppets go to the movies
- Date
- Summary
Lily Tomlin and Dudley Moore join Jim Henson's Muppets in a tribute to film classics. Kermit the Frog hosts the program, which begins with Gonzo, Capt. Link Hogthrob, and Scooter in a spoof of the "Three Musketeers". Other film spoofs include: Moore and Tomlin in a science fiction movie entitled "Invasion of the Unpleasant Things from Outer Space"; Miss Piggy as Dorothy in the "Wizard of Oz"; Moore playing jazz piano as Caesar in "The Fool of the Roman Empire"; a tribute to horror movies, which includes Fozzie Bear as "The Nephew of Frankenstein"; Kermit in a silent film as the Sheik of Araby; "Silent Strawberries", a parody of Ingmar Bergman films, directed by Muppet character Gummo Bergman, 'Ingmar's brother'; the airport scene from "Casablanca", with Kermit bidding a wind-blown Miss Piggy the famed farewell; a tribute to the western, "Small in the Saddle"; "Tarzan and Jane" starring Tomlin; Miss Piggy as Marilyn Monroe, performing with a chorus line of penguins; Moore and Miss Piggy as Rhett and Scarlett in "Goon with the Wind"; and Kermit as an air force pilot with his leading lady, Tomlin, in the war movie "A Frog too Far."
- Contributors
Spier, Carol; Strieff, Mary; Henson, Jim; Juhl, Jerry; Harris, Peter; Moore, Dudley; Tomlin, Lily; Oz, Frank; Nelson, Jerry, 1934-; Hunt, Richard, d. 1992; Goelz, Dave; Whitmire, Steve, 1959-; Gold, Louise, 1956-; Mullen, Kathryn; Muehl, Brian; Payne, Bob, 1957-; Krewson, Rollie; Van Gilder, Amy; Wilcox, Caroly; Asch, Leslee; Blalock, Cheryl; Christie, Edward G; Coda, Deborah; Cooper, Christine; Fredrick, Nomi; Gootnick, Jane; Kuhl, Janet; Hendrickson, Calista; Davis, Barbara S; Green, Joanne; Peterson, Connie; Morrison, Will
- Publishers
Henson Associates; Marble Arch Productions; Jim Henson Television
- Genres
Television specials; Puppet television programs
- Subjects
American Culture; Performing Arts, Music; Fozzie Bear (Fictitious character); Motion pictures; Three Musketeers (Motion picture); Wizard of Oz (Motion picture); Casablanca (Motion picture); Gone with the wind (Motion picture); Bridge too far (Motion picture); Kermit the Frog (Fictitious character); Muppets (Fictitious characters); Piggy, Miss (Fictitious character)
- Locations
North America; United States of America
- Collection
The Jim Henson video collection at the University of Maryland
- Unit
Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Language
- Terms of Use
Access restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
050 minutes; color
- Notes
Creation/Production Credits
Muppet performers, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Richard Hunt, Dave Goelz, Steve Whitmire, Louise Gold, Kathryn Mullen, Brian Muehl, Robert Payne, Rollin Krewson, Jim Henson ; Muppet designers, Amy Van Gilder, Caroly Wilcox, Leslee Asch, Cheryl Blalock, Ed Christie, Deborah Coda, Christine Cooper, Nomi Fredrick, Jane Gootnick, Janet Kuhl, Will Morrison ; Muppet costumes, Calista Hendrickson, Barbara Davis, Joanne Green, Connie Peterson, Carol Spier, Mary Strieff.
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: umd:1061; Catalog Key: alephsys003291780; Catalog Key: HENSON 021; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/369
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.