site-specific studies for New London
- Date
- Main contributor
Lerman, Liz
- Summary
In preparation for "White Gloves, Hard Hats" at the Garde Arts Center in New London, Connecticut, a series of site-specific explorations of the Dance Exchange's studio headquarters, including studios, loading dock, and hallway.
- Contributors
Dwyer, Thomas; Wittman, Martha; Crump, Reginald; Jourdin, Judith; DiMuro, Peter; Mason, Gesel
- Genre
- Subject
Dance--United States.
- Location
Takoma Park, Maryland
- Collection
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange videos
- Unit
Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Language
- Terms of Use
- Physical Description
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: LLDX 22-30; Catalog Key: scpa-081967
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.