Art in Motion: American Festival Project, Dance Exchange residency at Meredith Elementary School
- Date
- Main contributor
Lerman, Liz
- Summary
Documentation of a two-week residency at a Philadelphia's William M. Meredith Elementary School, supported by American Festival Project. Rob Stoller, video producer/director. Footage of workshops and performances in locales throughout the school; no interviews, explanatory titling or voiceover. Concludes with 500 students performing "Fanfare for the Common Man" (1980) on playground.
- Contributors
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange; Boyd, Kimberli; Dwyer, Thomas; Truss, Tom; Wattenberg, Bea
- Genres
Workshops (seminars); Filmed performances
- Subject
Dance--United States.
- Collection
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange videos
- Unit
Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Language
- Terms of Use
- Physical Description
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: LLDX 18-6; Catalog Key: scpa-081809
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.