Press conference: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
- Date
- Summary
The day after accepting the GOP vice-presidential nomination, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. tells reporters that he will not make any political speeches as long as he is representing the U.S. at the United Nations, adding that he and Richard Nixon won’t concede any state prematurely, including Massachusetts.
- Publisher
Westinghouse Broadcasting Company. Group W
- Genre
Special events radio coverage
- Collection
Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Physical Description
sound tape reel
- Notes
A guide to the full collection of Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes is available in our archival collections:
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: bcast-077200; Other: 0492-MMC
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.