State Circle. Episode 811

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Maryland General Assembly meets in Annapolis each year for 90 days; State Circle reports weekly on the legislature during that period. The governor's welfare reform bill, which would end benefits after 18 months if the recipient is still unemployed and would also deny support for any addition children, is held up because of an amendment that would all Medicaid to pay for pregnancy termination. Women of the House managed to revive bill protecting victims of domestic violence after it was gutted in committee. A bill requiring violent criminals to serve 50 percent of their prison sentence before being eligible for parole is being debated (some audio noise during this segment). The question of making english Maryland's official language is debated. Other issues discussed include: gun control, gifts from lobbyists, and the opening of adoption records. Reporters: Nate Howard, Annette Gibbs-Davis, Ann-Hope Johnson, David Paulson.
Maryland Public Television
Broadcasting, Communications
North America; United States of America
Public Broadcasting
Special Collections and University Archives
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Physical Description
00:29:08 hh:mm:ss; VHS
Maryland Public Television records
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Other Identifiers
Fedora 2 PID: umd:736517; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/46534; Filename: bcast-077587

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