Rural Lives #8: Small Business Creates Jobs in Rural Areas
- Date
- Main contributor
- Summary
With the development of cities and industry, Americans have increasingly been dependent on a cash economy, supplying fewer of their needs directly. This dependency makes unemployment a dramatic problem, especially in urban centers, where large numbers of out-of-work people are tracked to tension and called for public involvement in their relief. But what about rural areas? As farming has declined, and small bussinesses which depend on farming have fallen suit, rural people have had to find new sources of employment. Increasingly, they have had to commute to urban centers to find jobs, and rural unemployment and underemployment have become a growing problem.
- Contributor
Rob Lepzer
- Genre
spoken word
- Collection
Public Broadcasting
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Physical Description
Tape Reels
- Other Identifier
Filename: bcast-089435
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff.