State Circle. Episode 414
- Date
- Summary
Maryland General Assembly meets in Annapolis each year for 90 days; State Circle reports weekly on the legislature during that period. This episode summarizes the 1990 session. Approved legislation included: extending a 15% cap on increases in property assessments; a partial takeover of the Port of Baltimore; Peabody Institute receives state funds as part of a $15 million bailout over 5 years; takeover of the struggling Community College of Baltimore (then operated by Baltimore City); a plan to nearly triple the amount of money the state spends to acquire parkland ("Project Open Space"); a plan to create markets for recycled products; funding to expand the number of prison beds in existing facilities and to study the possibility of building a new state prison. "Pro-life" senators staged an 8-day filibuster over abortion issues. Reporters interview officials to get their perspective on this session: Gov. William Donald Schaefer; Senate President Thomas V. "Mike" Miller; and House Speaker R. Clayton Mitchell, Jr. There are man-on-the-street interviews about the productivity of this legislative session. Reporters Dave Durian, John Rydell, Sue Kopen, Mark Bonster (Evening Sun), Fern Shen (Washington Post) close the program with a panel discussion. Video begins with several minutes of promotions for MPT/PBS programs.
- Publisher
Maryland Public Television
- Subject
Broadcasting, Communications
- Locations
North America; United States of America
- Collection
Public Broadcasting
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
Collection may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the University of Maryland Libraries at
- Physical Description
00:31:27 hh:mm:ss; U-Matic
- Notes
Maryland Public Television records
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Access condition: public.
- Other Identifiers
Fedora 2 PID: umd:736099; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/46325; Filename: bcast-076145
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.