Humans and bacteria
- Date
- Summary
Presents the human body as a complex ecosystem of bacteria, then examines each portion of the body, which bacteria live there, and why. The three major bacterial groups, sphere-shaped cocci, rods, and helical spirochetes and spirilla, are examined. Their behavior when interacting with the body is explored. A discussion of factors that encourage bacterial growth leads to specific information on which bacteria cause certain conditions, and how infection can be avoided.; In English; credits in German.
- Contributor
Hartmann-von Kolczynski, Marianne
- Publishers
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Films for the Humanities (Firm)
- Subjects
Science, Technology; Health, Family Studies; Science, Technology, and Math; Bacteria; Bacterial diseases; Bacteriology
- Locations
North America; United States
- Collection
- Unit
Distinctive Media Collections
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
Access is restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
39 minutes; color
- Notes
Access condition: campus-only.
- Other Identifiers
Filename: lms-089647; Fedora 2 PID: umd:10664; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/3139; OCLC: ocm37580616; Catalog Key: alephsys002385074; Catalog Key: FFH 6899
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.