The medieval manuscript art and function
- Date
- Summary
Shows how medieval manuscripts came into being, how illuminations were accomplished, and what materials were used. Also explains the combinations of artistic talent, religious devotion and intellectual integrity that enabled the artists and artisans of the monasteries to accomplish their work.
- Publishers
Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ). Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte en Letteren; Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ). Centrum voor de Studie van het Verluchte Handschrift in de Nederlanden; Films for the Humanities (Firm)
- Subjects
Literature, Print Culture; Fine Arts; Literature, Print Culture; Manuscripts, Medieval History; Illumination of books and manuscripts History
- Collection
- Unit
Distinctive Media Collections
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
Access is restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
30 minutes; color
- Notes
Access condition: campus-only.
- Other Identifiers
Filename: lms-090139; Fedora 2 PID: umd:1724; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/984; OCLC: ocm36397645; Catalog Key: alephsys002346679; Catalog Key: FFH 1617
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.