John F. Kennedy "After 2 Years in the White House"
- Date
- Summary
President Kennedy participates in a radio and television interview titled, “After Two Years: A Conversation with the President.” Kennedy discusses his foreign policy, with particular emphasis on Cuba, the Soviet Union, and military weapons development; the creation of new programs, such as the Peace Corps and the Alliance for Progress; and cites his administration’s domestic accomplishments. The interviewers are William H. Lawrence, ABC; Sander Vanocur, NBC; and George E. Herman, CBS.
- Publisher
Westinghouse Broadcasting Company. Group W
- Genre
Special events radio coverage
- Collection
Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Physical Description
sound tape reel
- Notes
A guide to the full collection of Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes is available in our archival collections:
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: bcast-077693; Other: 0492-MMC
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.