Muppet show: Loretta Swit
- Date
- Summary
Miss Piggy plants a rumor in "Tongue Magazine" alleging that she and Kermit were secretly married in Las Vegas. Kermit gets so mad that he fires Miss Piggy and asks special guest, Loretta Swit, to take her place. Swit appears in "Vet's Hospital" and "Pigs in Space", where she is a great success. Miss Piggy tries to make a dramatic exit, but gets so jealous of Swit that she invades the Swinetrek herself. Highlights include: Gonzo appears as a farmer in "There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens"; Swit sings "I Feel the Earth Move"; and Miss Piggy sings a tearful "Some of These Days" as she packs up her dressing room.
- Contributors
Fredrick, Nomi; Jameson, Larry; Fazakas, Faz; Love, Kermit; Sahlin, Donald G; Swit, Loretta; Henson, Jim; Juhl, Jerry; Harris, Peter; Oz, Frank; Nelson, Jerry, 1934-; Hunt, Richard, d. 1992; Goelz, Dave; Gold, Louise, 1956-; Whitmire, Steve, 1959-; Mullen, Kathryn; Baytos, Betsy; Van Gilder, Amy; Wilcox, Caroly; Kaestle, Mari; Rosenthal, Jan; Payne, Bob, 1957-; Krewson, Rollie; Davis, Barbara S; Henson, Cheryl; Gootnick, Jane; Harms, Marianne; Rose, Tim, 1940-2002; Miller, Tim, 1958-; Christie, Edward G
- Publishers
Incorporated Television Company; Henson Associates; CBS Inc; Jim Henson Television
- Genres
Television programs; Television comedies; Puppet television programs
- Subjects
American Culture; Performing Arts, Music; Muppets (Fictitious characters); Kermit the Frog (Fictitious character); Piggy, Miss (Fictitious character)
- Locations
North America; United States of America
- Collection
The Jim Henson video collection at the University of Maryland
- Unit
Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Language
- Terms of Use
Access restricted to patrons at the University of Maryland.
- Physical Description
025 minutes; color
- Notes
Creation/Production Credits
Muppet performers, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Richard Hunt, Dave Goelz, Louise Gold, Steve Whitmire, Kathryn Mullen, Betsy Baytos, Jim Henson ; Muppet designers, Amy Van Gilder, Caroly Wilcox, Mari Kaestle, Jan Rosenthal, Robert Payne, Rollin Krewson, Barbara Davis, Cheryl Henson, Jane Gootnick, Marianne Harms, Tim Rose, Tim Miller, Dave Goelz, Ed Christie, Nomi Fredrick, Larry Jameson, Faz Fazakas, Kermit Love, Don Sahlin.
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: umd:1047; Catalog Key: alephsys003295551; Catalog Key: HENSON 014; Handle Identifier: hdl:1903.1/362
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: collection staff, users in specific IP Ranges.