David McDonald; James Meredith Testimony
- Date
- Summary
(1) Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-IL) reads a letter from Republican congressional leaders urging President Kennedy to promote worldwide demonstrations against the Berlin Wall. The letter says Communist guards at the wall have killed some 40 persons trying to escape, including 18-year-old Peter Fechter (8/31). (2) Sen. George D. Aiken (R-VT) remarks following a closed door briefing on Cuba with Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (9/5). (3) Sen Richard B. Russell (D-GA), Armed Services chairman, and J. William Fulbright (D-AR), Senate Foreign Relations chairman, remark following closed door briefing on Cuba with Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (9/5). (4) Rep. Charles Halleck (R-IN) on Cuban arms buildup (9/7). (5) Sen. Dirksen calls for a congressional resolution on Cuba to permit troop callup by president if necessary (9/7). (6) Excerpts from President Johnson's news conference after his 15-day tour of the Middle East and southern Europe goodwill tour (3 cuts, 9/8). (7) Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall remarks after a ten-day visit to the Soviet Union (3 cuts, 9/11). (8) Walter C. Williams, associate director of NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, announces that Donald K. Slayton has been named coordinator of astronaut activities (9/17). (9) Dr. Robert R. Gilruth, director of NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, remarks on the training of the nine military and civilian men who have been chosen for the first moon shot (9/17). (10) G.E. Leighty, president rail telegrapher's union, remarks on strike and arbitration of issues (3 cuts, 9/18). (11) David J. MacDonald, head of United Steel Workers, calls for a 32-hour workweek during USW convention in Miami Beach (9/19). (12) Lt. Colonel John “Shorty” Powers, official spokesman for the astronauts, announces “an aircraft in the landing area has sighted the spacecraft and a little life raft with a gentleman by the name of Carpenter in it" (5/24). (13) Bud Davey crowd noise, reports on the riot at the University of Mississippi during President's Kennedy's televised speech on the conflict (9/30). (14) James Meredith interviewed by John Corporon (WDSU-TV news director) on his enrolling at the previously segregated University of Mississippi (9/28). (15) Bud Dancy interviewing students at the University of Mississippi, crowd noises when Meredith emerges from class (10/2).
- Publisher
Westinghouse Broadcasting Company. Group W
- Genre
Special events radio coverage
- Collection
Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes
- Unit
Special Collections and University Archives
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Physical Description
sound tape reel
- Notes
A guide to the full collection of Group W (Westinghouse Broadcasting Company) audio tapes is available in our archival collections: https://hdl.handle.net/1903.1/43884
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: bcast-077052; Other: 0492-MMC
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.