Liz Lerman on Close-Up: Dance
- Date
- Main contributor
Lerman, Liz
- Summary
"Close Up: Dance" segment of interview/magazine style program hosted by Renee Poussaint. Original focused on two Washington dancemakers, Liz Lerman and Melvin Deal; recording primarily preserves the Lerman segment; includes rehearsal footage an interview in which Lerman address subject matter dance, New York vs. Washington, government funding.
- Contributor
Poussaint, Renee
- Genre
- Subject
Dance--United States.
- Collection
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange videos
- Unit
Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Language
- Terms of Use
- Physical Description
- Other Identifiers
Catalog Key: LLDX 2-21; Catalog Key: scpa-081452
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.